Playbooks offer a "way to try something new, a way to look at a problem slightly differently than you have before". Playbooks provide tips, strategies, examples, and best practices to help you look at ways to meet the increasing expectations of citizens/clients for a positive and simple experience.
May 2021
Le service est important. L’expérience que vivent les gens lorsqu’ils accèdent à des services gouvernementaux forme leur impression, positive ou négative, au sujet de l’efficacité des institutions publiques, ce qui permet d’établir le degré de confiance qu’ils ont à leur égard. Le modèle de maturité est un outil qui aidera à évaluer l’efficacité actuelle d’une expérience en matière de service du point de vue du citoyen. Il aidera également à déterminer les changements qui doivent être apportés pour améliorer cette expérience.
Commissioned by PSSDC’s Service to Business Working Group
The Business Number (BN) is a foundational element of the business regulatory environment –enabling businesses to connect and participate in various programs at all levels of government through a standard (or common) business identifier (SBI)
Commissioned by Joint Councils’ Data Driven Intelligence Working Group
Now more than ever, during this pandemic, COVID-19 has highlighted the need and importance of real-time data, analytics and business intelligence services in the public sector. Data has not only been critical in responding to the pandemic, but it also has been critical in directing the public and keeping citizens informed on all that is happening and is to come. The Joint Councils (PSSDC & PSCIOC) developed an Analytics Playbook to support and advance the use of analytics across public sector organizations. The Analytics Playbook is both educational and instructive, articulating the value of analytics, identifying success factors that policy makers and leadership teams need to be thinking about advancing, and defining how organizations can get started on their analytics journey. The Analytics Playbook details notable achievements of Federal, Provincial/Territorial, and Municipal organizations with respect to the partnerships and projects that have used analytics to improve service delivery.
Commissioned by the PSSDC’s Service Network Collaboration Working Group
Within this Playbook you will find information on why you would enter a service delivery partnership, what makes a successful partnership, the steps and best practices for implementing and operating a partnership and how to measure the success of a partnership.
Commissioned by PSSDC’s Channel Shifting Working Group
“Digital” is a hot topic these days, and it’s not just in the private sector. Governments are looking to enhance the way they design and deliver services to clients by looking to digital solutions. This means making services available online or through mobile applications. This also means looking at ways to meet the increasing expectations of clients for a positive and simple experience.