Citizens First 2023

Citizens First 2023 marks the 25th anniversary of the launch of the Citizens First research series and, similar to the previous iterations, offers a comprehensive analysis of how government services are perceived by those using them and what the expectations are regarding the present and the future of public sector service provision.

The study looks in depth at recent service experience as well as overall service reputation, and examines specific aspects of service delivery. The special topics explored in the study focus on digital channels but also offer a closer look at other relevant and timely issues, such as governments’ performance vis-à-vis COVID-19. Particular emphasis has been placed on providing actionable insights and recommendations, with a view to enabling service executives and managers across all levels of government to introduce real and lasting improvements to the quality of services they provide.


Citizens First 2023

A detailed report providing an analysis of how users of government services rate their experiences and what they expect from public sector service providers.

Download previous studies to get an overview of the Citizens First research.

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